contact me on Discord: shirosame#9425
Commission status: open
Prices vary depending on complexity and number
of characters.
While i´m more experienced with humanoid
characters, i´m willing to experiment on drawing
anything (complex poses, cars, backgrounds,
mecha, animals, etc)
Bear in mind that experimenting will be harder
and as such more expensive and the time it will
take to finish will be hard to point out
Keep in mind
I´m willing to draw mostly anything that is sfw and might consider nsfw
To make everything easier for both, I will need a character reference, pose, a good description of what you want and any information that could be very important for the illustration
The time it takes me to finish a drawing will heavily vary depending on a lot of factors, but most of the times is less than a week if everything goes well, I will contact you if anything comes up that will make me take longer
I might also post the Illustration in my sites
the illustrations will have my signature
Don't send me money before we came into an agreement
After agreeing to do the commission, I'll start once the payment was sent
You will pay full at the very start
If you feel uncomfortable doing so, don't have all the money at the moment or something else that might have happened, we can talk about doing 50% at the start and 50% at the half of the process of the illustration
Commission Example